Defeating Shahdee

If you try to kill this woman without using any cheats , you would realise – she is one of the toughest female opponents in Video Games. Shahdee appears  from the beginning of the game – right from the attack at the sea. You never get to kill her till the final battle.Infact the rendezvous at the sea , is the only place where you get to strike her before the final showdown. She appears in CutScenes and keeps running away.

The Final battle with shahdee is when the “damsel is in distress”. You eventually find your way to the  circular platform where a lady in red is hanging from the platform & shahdee is stamping her hands,so that she looses grip and falls down.You invite Shahdee for a battle and there.. you get to fight against one of the toughest video game girls.

If you  simply keep defending against all her attacks, you would discover the pattern. She concludes the series of her strikes by raising both the swords above – the double up. She pauses for a second after this. This is one vulnerable point where you can strike her. If you have the right timings,you could end up slashing her upto four times. If you miss out the timing though,shahdee would defend right after the first attack.

–> Its also helpful to pickup the secondary weapon thats  placed to the left of the altar.

–> Importantly,you could also strike her from behind where again you get upto four slashes provided you make good use of the timing. Jus walk backwards down to the stairs through which you initially entered the platform.Shahdee never walks down the stairs. If you stand in the second or the third stair, all of the strikes would easily go over you head. Once she is done with the standard move, she turns to her side , pats the sword on her thighs and proceeds to kill the girl in red.You could walk and grab the opportunity to strike her upto four times. Jus quickly walk back down to the stairs. All her retaliation jus strike the air , and she again halts at the entrance of the stairs, pats herself and returns to kill the girl.  Repeat this and  strike a few times this way.

You could also do a triple combo ,but with a small mistiming shahdee would simply run her blades through your body and kick you in the air consuming 1/3 rd of you entire health.

You would definitely have to try this out more than once. Personally , it was one of the hardest combats I have faced.

Shahdee is actually a subordinate of the empress of time and was supposed to prevent the prince from reaching the island of time. She eventually perishes at the end of fierce fight with the prince and is not able to stop the prince’s journey. She utters her last words to the prince “Fool, don’t you know… you can not change your fate” and goes up in sands.